Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love in German

We once.. admired love. Perhaps We believe in it, but We won't be able to admire it again. People say it's the greatest feeling of all. It's true. It's greater than you ever can be. It can make you fly upon the sky.. And it can make you fall down to Our hell.
This German lovepoem was made of Us, - in 7th grade in 2009. The background was borrowed from a lovely user on Deviantart.
One thing more to supplement:  

We're not going to apologize for the late entry.

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe in love (other than family love) also L. it's only a stupid fantasy for me. Though, I do hope you find your love in this world and be happy forever ^^
    Do you know what I believe? I believe that it's a lovely poem, sadly I can't understand the language -__- and that's why.. I will find a friend who can translate!!! >:D
